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About LaiYue

Quick turn-around time, high quality at a fair price, and on time delivery-three phrases that have become so over-used in our industry that we regard them as clichés. But, like all clichés, they do communicate a welcome message. And there is something in all of us that wants to believe our needs will be met, perhaps exceeded. The truth is, though, that you are never in a position to pass judgment on a vendor until he has passed muster with your first order.



We provide the highest quality products to our customers by controlling each detail from your idea to the end…from design and development all the way to the production section.


Zinc / magnesium alloy hot chamber die casting machine, with vacuum casting system, mold temperature controller automatic spray systems, robotic devices.

Seurface Treatment

Quality chrome, Satin chrome, Black chrome, PVD, Satin brush, Powder coasting, Nickel chrome, Yellow chromated, clear chromated, ...to name but a few.




